BIOCLAIMS Work Packages (WP)
Kick-Off meeting. Palma de Mallorca, March 2010
WP1: Identification and characterization of early markers for good health using different mouse models. Leaders: Prof. Dr. Jaap Keijer (Chair) and Dr. Jan Kopecky (Vice-chair).
WP2: Development and validation of biomarkers for “healthy ageing” in terms of obesity and CVD risk using animal models of intervention in early life. Leaders: Prof. Dr. Catalina Picó (Chair) and Dr. M. Luisa Bonet (Chair).
WP3: Development and validation of biomarkers in human studies. Leaders: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Winklhofer-Roob (Chair) and Prof. Dr. Aldona Dembinska-Kiec (Vice-chair).
WP4: Analytical procedures and support. Leader: Prof. Dr. Paul J. Thornalley (Chair).
WP5: Integration. Leader: Dr. Ben van Ommen (Chair).
WP6: Assessment, derivation, validation and exploitation. Leaders: Prof. Dr. Lluís Arola (Chair) and Prof. Dr. Johannes Roob (Chair).
WP7: Dissemination and training. Leaders: Prof. Dr. Susanne Klaus (Chair) and Dr. Philip C. Calder (Chair).
WP8: Coordination and management. Leader: Prof. Dr. Andreu Palou (Chair).